Sunday, August 28, 2011


Could it be?  Could these two be dupes of each other???

See what I mean?  From the bottle, they look almost identical.
(L to R) Adore, Metallic Muse

China Glaze's Adore and Metallic Muse are both metallic green shades.  Adore is from Romantique collection, and Metallic is from Khrome collection.  Both were released in 2009.

Here they are on my fingers:

(From pinky to pointer) Adore, Metallic Muse, Adore, Metallic Muse

Adore is a dark green-blue metallic shade.  One coat on the pinky, two coats on the middle finger.

Metallic Muse is a silver, blue green shade.  One coat on the ring finger, two coats on the pointer.

The verdict?  They are similar, but they are not identical.  I took these indoors, under artificial light.  I think the differences between the two will be more stark in natural light.

I love these greens/blue greens, I love how well they apply on my nail (please excuse the smudge on my cuticles on the photos.  I really did not notice them until after I took the photos).

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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