Friday, August 26, 2011

Did I Get Similar Shades?

This is what happens when you let the "C" word rope you in -- you let the impulse of wanting to buy the rest of the collection override the possibility that you may end up with nail polishes of similar shades,

From the color in the bottle, China Glazes's Delight, Magical, Poetic, and Robotika are all similar shades.  The first three are part of the Romantique collection, Robotika is part of the Khrome collection.

(L to R) Robotika, Delight, Magical, Poetic
See what I mean?

After swatching them, I'm happy to say that I was actually wrong.  Yes, I am taking the plunge and showing you my short nails. :p  When looking at the photos, please keep in mind that I am a newbie to the world of nail photography, and my nails are not pros at posing for photos (yet).  Sorry.  I hope I will get better with practice.

I have no daylight left, I took these photos indoors with artificial light.  Sorry.  Someday, I would like to have a lightbox to photograph my nails better.

    (From pinky to pointer finger) Robotika, Poetic, Magical, and Delight

 Here they are without the flash.

Robotika is a darker, metallic espresso-brown.  Poetic is a metallic rusty shade.  Magical is similar t poetic with a silver sheen.  Delight is a darker, shimmery rust/brick color.

I'm not sure how well the photos do the polishes justice, but application was a dream.  Opaque, smooth in one coat, better finish in 2.  I used Seche Vite top coat.

Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

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